Welcome from Bishop Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester and convenor of the Leicestershire Church Leaders Group.
We aim to seek and promote Christian Unity and to encourage and support ecumenical activity in Leicestershire.
The members of Churches Together in Leicestershire are the church leaders and their representatives from the mainstream denominations. We also work closely with an increasing number of independent churches who are now frequently members of local groups
The County Ecumenical Development Officer (CEDO) is Vic Allsop
About your personal data and what we do with it: GDPR Privacy Notice (pdf)
Churches Together in Leicestershire policy:
GDPR requires that everyone within Churches Together in Leicestershire must understand the implications of GDPR and that roles and duties must be assigned. Please read this document to ensure all churches in CTIL understand the new regulations for the collection and retention of personal data: GDPR Policy Churches Together in Leicestershire.pdf
Statement from Churches Together in the Merseyside Region (CTMR) Church Leaders following Southport Incident
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